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Tuesday, November 9, 2010 7:19 PM | Ken Torbert Volg link

You sit in your office and take the advise of the MS Society that they need to study the relationship of CCSVI and MS before clinical
trials can even be considered. No treatment options are on the horizon,

because even if there is ever a hint of clinical trials, the society

will drag it out as long as possible. Oh, let us move under the

direction of the CIHR, that had a review panel that was loaded with

neurologists, many with conflicts of interest with the pharmaceutical


Plain and simple, CCSVI is a disease on its own merits. Yet you dictate to the system that MS people are not
allowed to be treated. In fact your system will not allow MS people to

be tested.

How can you sleep at night? Print this email and take it home or to your hotel and read it while you are in bed
and put yourself in the shoes. May you awake in the morning and

realize what a discriminatory atrocity you are allowing to occur in our

province and Canada.


This is what my wife and other MSers may have:

Visual Symptoms-Symptom Description Optic Neuritis Blurred vision, eye pain,

loss of colour vision, blindness Diplopia Double Vision Nystagmus Jerky

Eye Movements Ocular Dysmetria Constant under- or overshooting eye

movements Internuclear Ophthalmoplegia Lack of coordination between the

two eyes, nystagmus, diplopia Movement and sound phosphenes Flashing

lights when moving eyes or in response to a sudden noise Afferent

Pupillary Defect Abnormal pupil responses

Motor Symptoms- Symptom Description Paresis, Monoparesis, Paraparesis, Hemiparesis,

Quadraparesis Muscle weakness - partial or mild paralysis Plegia,

Paraplegia, Hemiplegia, Tetraplegia, Quadraplegia Paralysis - Total or

near total loss of

Muscle strength- Spasticity Loss of muscle tone causing stiffness, pain and restricting free movement of affected

limbs Dysarthria Slurred speech and related speech problems Muscle

Atrophy Wasting of muscles due to lack of use Spasms, Cramps Involuntary

contraction of muscles Hypotonia, Clonus Problems with posture

Myoclonus, Myokymia Jerking and twitching muscles, Tics Restless Leg

Syndrome Involuntary Leg Movements, especially bothersome at night

Footdrop Foot drags along floor during walking Dysfunctional Reflexes

MSRs, Babinski's, Hoffman's, Chaddock's

Sensory Symptoms- Symptom Description Paraesthesia Partial numbness, tingling, buzzing and

vibration sensations Anaesthesia Complete numbness/loss of sensation

Neuralgia, Neuropathic and Neurogenic pain Pain without apparent cause,

burning, itching and electrical shock sensations L'Hermitte's Electric

shocks and buzzing sensations when moving head Proprioceptive

Dysfunction Loss of awareness of location of body parts Trigeminal

Neuralgia Facial pain

Coordination and Balance Symptoms- Symptom Description Ataxia Loss of coordination Intention tremor Shaking when

performing fine movements Dysmetria Constant under- or overshooting limb

movements Vestibular Ataxia Abnormal balance function in the inner ear

Vertigo Nausea/vomitting/sensitivity to travel sickness from vestibular ataxia

Speech Ataxia Problems coordinating speech, stuttering

Dystonia Slow limb position feedback Dysdiadochokinesia Loss of ability to

produce rapidly alternating movements, for example to move to a rhythm

Bowel, Bladder and Sexual Symptoms Symptom Description Frequent Micturation,

Bladder Spasticity Urinary urgency and incontinence Flaccid Bladder,

Detrusor-Sphincter Dyssynergia Urinary hesitancy and retention Female

impotence Anorgasmy Inability to achieve orgasm Frigidity Inability to

become sexually aroused Constipation Infrequent or irregular bowel

movements Fecal Urgency Bowel urgency Fecal Incontinence Bowel


Cognitive Symptoms- Symptom Description Depression Cognitive dysfunction Short-term and long-term memory problems,

forgetfulness, slow word recall Mood swings, emotional lability,

euphoria Bipolar syndrome Anxiety Aphasia, Dysphasia Impairments to

speech comprehension and production


Heat intolerance- Uhthoff's Symptom Increase in severity of symptoms with

heat Inappropriately cold body parts Gastroesophageal Reflux Acid reflux

Impaired sense of taste and smell Swallowing problems Respiratory

problems Sleeping Disorders Autonomic nervous system problems

Any wonder why suicide is considered a strong treatment option

Yours truly,

Robert McCallum


Fonthill, On L0S1E0